Bancos no Brasil


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Home - english    Sector   Glossary   News   Links   Courses& Events   Dictionary   Bibliography 
Brazilian banking sector Private Brazilian Banks
 Banco Central do Brasil  / (about) Bradesco
ABBC  /  (about) Itaú
FEBRABAN  / (about) Unibanco
SERASA  / (about) Other banks  / (about)
CVM  / (about) Public Owned Brazilian Banks
CPI dos bancos  / (about) Banco do Brasil
Centro Excelência Bancária FGV   / (about) Caixa Econômica Federal
Sindicato dos bancários de São Paulo   / (about) Banespa
DIEESE / (about)
Nossa Caixa
Global Banking setor Foreign Banks in Brasill
Banking on the www    / (about)
Supersite CIB`s guide to finance links   / (about) BankBoston
Webs Financieras  / (about) Santander
About Brazil BBV
 Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo    / (about) HSBC
Ministério da Fazenda   / (about) Newspapers
BNDES   / (about) A Folha de São Paulo
Brazil Economy and Finance  / (about) O Estado de são Paulo   
Brazil   / (about) Gazeta Mercantil    
Finance and Economics    / (about) Jornal do Commercio    
IBGE    / (about) Jornal do Brasil    
Organizations and Institutions   / (about) O Globo    
Personal Pages
John Michael Koch's Page / (about)


Banco Central do Brasil  - The Brazilian Central Bank's home page brings information on itself (functions, strusture,etc),information on brazilain banks, bank fees, system rules, notes for the press, and more ( in portuguese and english)

Banking on the www – site about banking covering subjects as: Guide and general information, banks in the world, supervision and deposit insurance, academic research, banks and finance, banks in eletronic media , law and others (in english)

Sindicato dos bancários de São Paulo - this is the site of the Union of the bank professionals. It presents information on rights of the workers, economy, news, courses, books, links, etc ( in portuguese)

Supersite CIB`s guide to finance links – page with links related to banks around the world ( in english)

Webs Financieras   – spanish site with links to Spanish banks and Stock Exchanges arou the world ( in english)

ABBC – Brazilian Association of Commercial  and Multiple Banks - Site with general information, transcription of lectures about bank law, informatio technology  to banks service providors ( in porutguese and english)

FEBRABAN - Brazilian Federation of Banks Associations  - Lectures, seminars, courses and publications, general data about the Brazilian Financial System, information on the sevices of the  Credit Protection Service ( SPC), Service of Credit Recuperation (SRC), Telechec, and othars. It also brings tips on how to use checks, debit cards, ATMs, cancel check account, etc ( in portuguese)

SERASA  – Credit magazine, news, economic index ( bankrupcy, checks, etc), news through e-mail, what we shoul know about financial institutions when making deals with them ( section Decidindo Negócios) ( in portuguese)

CVM –Comissão de Valores Mobiliários – this institution is the equivalent to SEC ( Security Exchange Comission ) in Brazil. It brings quarterly financial information of companies that have shares, including the main brazilian banks (  called ITR) and annual financial information about that companies ( IAN). In order to open those reports it is needed to download a program in the CVM site. ( in portuguese and english) 

CPI dos bancos – a summary of Jornal O Globo about the investigation of banks made in 1999, ( in portuguese)

CEB - Centro de Excelência Bancária da FGV - site of the banking studying group of the main business school in Brazil. It brings academic articles and researchs about banks, links, virtual events, etc (in portuguese)

DIEESE  - Information on unemplyment, sector analysis, and a study form 1996 about the consequences on the emplyment level of the Financial System Adjustments ( in portuguese)



  • Bradesco - the largest private retail bank in Brazil
  • Itaú - the second largest private retail bank in Brazil
  • Unibanco - the third largest private retail bank in Brazil
  • Banespa - the next bank to be privatized, it has its operations in Sao Paulo state, wich has the most important economy in the country




  • Bovespa – Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo  – The São Paulo Stock exchange's site has information on the stock market (volume, quotes, graphics, etc) rules to trade, events related to the companies traded, possibility, brokerage houses, history of the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, etc ( in portuguese and english)


  • Ministério da Fazenda  - the history of the last brazilian economic Plan ( Plano Real), agreements with the IMF, periodicals (in portuguese, english, and spanish)


  • BNDES - information on privatization ( history, process,etc), sector studies, publications avout economy, and others estudos setoriais, publicações sobre macroeconomia, entre outros. ( in portuguese and english)



  • Brazil - Site from the Yale University,  with links about  Brazil ( in english)


  • Finance and Economics - dictionary of financial therms ( english - english), currency converter, central banks, stathistics agencies, economy departments, finance links, stock markets, parper (in english)


  • IBGE – statistical and geography information about the country, link to other sites with information ( in portuguese and english)





  • John Michael Koch's Page - links to the financial sector in the world, including regulation isntitutions, regional american banks and multilaterla organizations ( in english)